DFT Plans New Noise Camera Trials
Published Date: 25th May 2022
The DFT (Department for Transport) has announced plans for new high-tech noise cameras that could be used to tackle noise pollution causes by loud engines, exhausts, modified cars and rowdy ‘road racers’.
The DFT plan to deploy the noise cameras in four areas with MPs invited to put forward their case for their own local area. MPs must demonstrate they have a particularly bad issue with noise pollution from vehicles.
The DFT is looking for areas where there is a particular problem with loud and noisy cars keeping local resident up, with ‘boy racers’ using the streets like racetracks with modified cars emitting illegal noise levels.
It’s estimated that the economic impact of noise pollution is in the billions of pounds yearly. Some of the repercussions of noise and its often-anti-social effects can be: devaluation of property prices, a drop in the attractiveness of affected areas and a downturn in productivity because noise pollution can have an impact on health (lack of sleep, stress etc).
The police do currently have powers to handout £50 fines for vehicles emitted illegal noise levels, but one of the biggest hurdles is gathering evidence for prosecution.
The new cameras will be tested in urban and rural areas, they are able to measure a vehicles sound level, detect when they are breaking noise levels and identify the vehicle. The tests will be used to fine tune the noise cameras in different environments so they can return accurate results, giving the police a vital tool in the future to tackle this growing issue.