Car Brake Discs and Pads

Published Date: 31st May 2023

Image of a brake systemCar brake discs and pads are the two main components of a car's braking system. The brake disc is a flat, circular metal disc that attaches to the wheel hub. The brake pad - typically made of friction-resistant materials such as ceramics or semi-metallic compounds - connects to the brake calliper. When you press your brake pedal, the calliper squeezes these pads against the brake disc, eventually slowing down the car by causing friction between the two components.

As time passes, brake discs and pads incur wear and tear, necessitating routine replacement. The precise frequency of this process largely depends on individual driving habits and the type of vehicle being used. That said, you should plan to have them swapped out every 30,000 to 50,000 miles to stay safe on the road.


There are a few signs that replacing your car's brake discs and pads may be due. These include:



If you notice these signs, a qualified mechanic should check your car's brake discs and pads. Replacing worn brake discs and pads can help to improve your car's braking performance and prevent accidents.


How Brake Discs and Pads Work


Image of a Vented Brake SystemAs you depress the brake pedal, hydraulic fluid is compelled through tubes and hoses until it reaches the brake calliper. This mechanism then pushes the brake pads, which in turn subdue the brake disc. The resultant friction slows down the wheel's rotation, effectively bringing the car to a halt.

Brake discs come in different materials, such as cast iron, steel, and carbon fibre. Cast iron is the most prevalent, being affordable and robust. Steel is more durable than cast iron but costs more. Meanwhile, carbon fibre is the priciest option and the lightest and most long-lasting material.

Brake pads are manufactured from different materials, including organic, ceramic and semi-metallic. You'll find organic pads most frequently in use. Why? They're affordable and constructed from a rubber-like material. In case you need a more durable option, consider semi-metallic pads. They're comprised of metal and organic mixtures. Yet, these pads may be costly. For the most unyielding, efficient and expensive pads, go for ceramic brakes. Fashioned from porcelain-type materials, they are tough and glamorous.


How to Choose the Right Brake Discs and Pads


When choosing brake discs and pads, it is important to consider the following factors:



How to Care for Your Brake Discs and Pads


To prolong the lifespan of your brake discs and pads, there are certain measures you can take:



By adhering to these recommendations, you can protect the lifespan of your car's brake discs and pads.


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